
Our Services

Services we offer at Midas Vale Technologies

Website Development

Your website is your online office address and your 24-hour sales tool. We create interactive websites that tell a story while enhancing functionality.

Search Engine Optimisation

There are 3.5 billion searches on Google daily. Clearly, consumers are turning more to search engines to help them make buying decisions. We ensure to leverage the search engine for our customers’ visibility.

Brand Development

All products need to be developed into brands that give them a distinct identity in the minds of the customers. This is a priority at Midas Vale Technologies.

Email Marketing

Several research has proven that email marketing still delivers a higher return on investment than any other Digital Marketing medium.

Digital Advertising

Looking to run advertising for your brand across digital platforms? We can help. We develop and implement digital advertising campaigns across multiple digital platforms.

Content Marketing

Content drives all digital marketing elements. And great content added to good design can drive significant sales and engagement.

Growth Marketing Services

Our Growth Marketing Service utilizes multiple digital marketing tactics and platforms to create awareness, engage with prospects and generate leads.

Lead Generation Projects

Looking to generate leads for your business? We can help. Our lead generation service focuses on identifying your ideal target audience and creating lead magnets to attract them to your business.

Mobile Marketing

Let’s help you reach your consumers through mobile marketing using various mobile platforms like Whatsapp, SMS, Mobile Apps, After Call Summary Adverts.

Professional Services Marketing

Firms that offer Professional Services cannot be promoted the same way that product brands are promoted. Therefore, we are open to creating customized services for our customers.

Social Media Marketing

Your customers and prospects are on Social media. Your brand should be too.